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Monday, March 7, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
GATE - 2011 KEY (ME)
1B | 2D | 3B | 4A | 5C |
6A | 7C | 8C | 9D | 10B |
11B | 12D | 13D | 14C | 15C |
16A | 17C | 18A | 19D | 20B |
21D | 22A | 23B | 24C | 25B |
26B | 27C | 28A | 29C | 30B |
31D | 32B | 33D | 34D | 35A |
36C | 37A | 38D | 39D | 40A |
41A | 42 C | 43B | 44C | 45B |
46A | 47A | 48B | 49 C | 50C |
51B | 52B | 53D | 54C | 55D |
56D | 57A | 58B | 59A | 60A |
61D | 62A | 63A | 64A | 65C |
1B | 2C | 3B | 4A | 5D |
6B | 7D | 8A | 9C | 10A |
11C | 12D | 13C | 14D | 15B |
16B | 17D | 18C | 19C | 20A |
21C | 22A | 23B | 24B | 25D |
26A | 27A | 28B | 29C | 30B |
31C | 32A | 33A | 34D | 35D |
36A | 37C | 38A | 39D | 40D |
41B | 42D | 43B | 44C | 45A |
46B | 47C | 48B | 49 C | 50C |
51B | 52C | 53D | 54B | 55D |
56A | 57A | 58A | 59A | 60D |
61A | 62A | 63C | 64A | 65D |
Set:- C
1D | 2C | 3B | 4B | 5D |
6C | 7C | 8A | 9C | 10A |
11B | 12D | 13B | 14B | 15C |
16B | 17A | 18D | 19B | 20D |
21A | 22C | 23A | 24C | 25D |
26C | 27A | 28D | 29D | 30B |
31D | 32B | 33C | 34A | 35C |
36B | 37A | 38A | 39B | 40C |
41B | 42 C | 43A | 44A | 45D |
46D | 47A | 48C | 49B | 50B |
51C | 52B | 53D | 54C | 55D |
56A | 57B | 58D | 59C | 60A |
61C | 62A | 63D | 64A | 65A |
1D | 2C | 3A | 4C | 5A |
6D | 7B | 8D | 9A | 10B |
11C | 12B | 13D | 14B | 15B |
16A | 17C | 18A | 19C | 20C |
21D | 22B | 23B | 24D | 25C |
26A | 27D | 28D | 29A | 30A |
31C | 32B | 33C | 34B | 35A |
36A | 37B | 38C | 39A | 40C |
41B | 42D | 43B | 44D | 45D |
46A | 47C | 48C | 49B | 50B |
51C | 52C | 53D | 54B | 55D |
56D | 57A | 58B | 59A | 60B |
61D | 62A | 63A | 64C | 65A |
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The history of antimatter begins with a young physicist named Paul A.M.Dirac (1902-1984) and the strange implications of a mathematical equation. This British physicist formulated a theory for the motion of the electrons in electric and magnetic fields. Such theories had been formulated before, but what was unique about Dirac’s was that his included the effects of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity. This theory was formulated by him in 1928.Mean while he wrote down an equation, which combined quantum theory and special relativity, to describe the behavior of the electron. Dirac’s equation won him a Nobel prize in I 933,but also posed another problem; just at the equation x2 = 4 can have two solutions (x 2, x = -2). So Dirac’s equation would have two solutions, one for an electron with positive energy, and one for an electron with negative energy. This led theory led to a surprising prediction that the electron must have an “antiparticle” having the same mass but a positive electric charge.
1n 1932, Carl Anderson observed this new particle experimentally and it was named “positron”. This was the first known example of antimatter. In 1955, the anti proton was produced at the Berkeley Bevatron, and in 1995, scientists created the first anti hydrogen atom at the CERN research facility in Europe by combining the anti proton with a positron Dirac’s equation predicted that all of the fundamental particles in nature must have a corresponding “Antiparticle”. In each case, the masses of the particle and anti particle are identical and other properties are nearly identical. But in all cases, the mathematical signs of some property are reversed. Anti protons, for example have the same mass as a proton, but the opposite electric charge. Since Dirac’s time, scores of these particle-antiparticle pairings have been observed. Even particles that have no electrical charge such as the neutron have anti particle.
Anti protons do not exist in nature and currently are produced only by energetic particle collision conducted at large accelerator facilities (e.g. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Fermi Lab, in US or CERN in Geneva, Switzerland). This process typically involves accelerating protons to relativistic velocities (very near to speed of light) and slamming them into a metal (e.g. Tungsten) target. The high-energy protons are slowed or stopped by collisions with nuclei of the target; the kinetic energy of the rapidly moving protons is converted into matter in the form of various subatomic particles, some of which are anti protons. Finally, the anti protons are electro magnetically separated from the other particles, then they are captured and cooled (slowed) by a Radio-Frequency Quadrapole (RFQ) linear accelerator (operated as a decelerator) and then stored in a storage cell called as a Penning Trap.
Note that anti protons annihilate spontaneously when brought into contact with normal matter, thus they must be stored and handled carefully. Currently the highest anti proton production level is in the order of nano-grams per year.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
air muscle |
To download airmuscle.doc
Air muscle is essentially a robotic actuator which is replacing the conventional pneumatic cylinders at a rapid pace. Due to their low production costs and very high power to weight ratio, as high as 400:1, the preference for Air Muscles is increasing. Air Muscles find huge applications in bio robotics and development of fully functional prosthetic limbs, having superior controlling as well as functional capabilities compared with the current models. This paper discusses Air Muscles in general, their construction, and principle of operation, operational characteristics and applications.
Robotic actuators conventionally are pneumatic or hydraulic devices. They have many inherent disadvantages like low operational flexibility, high safety requirements, and high cost operational as well as constructional etc. The search for an actuator which would satisfy all these requirements ended in Air Muscles. They are easy to manufacture, low cost and can be integrated with human operations without any large scale safety requirements. Further more they offer extremely high power to weight ratio of about 400:1. As a comparison electric motors only offer a power ration of 16:1. Air Muscles are also called McKibben actuators named after the researcher who developed it.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Regenerative Breaking
Brakes are employed to stop or retard the motion of any moving boy. Thus, in automobiles the brakes are having the most important function to perform.
In conventional barking system the motion is retarded or stopped by absorbing kinetic energy by friction, by making the contact of the moving body with frictional rubber pad (called brake liner) which causes the absorption of kinetic energy, and this is wasted in form of heat in surroundings. Each time we brake, the momentum of vehicle is absorbed that it has gained by it and to re-accelerate the vehicle we have to start from the scratch to redevelop that momentum by using the more power from an engine .Thus, it will ultimately result in huge waste of energy.
It will be good if we could store this energy somehow and reuse it next time we started to accelerate. That's the basic concept of regenerative ("regent") brakes, which are widely used in electric trains and the latest electric cars. Regenerative brake is an energy recovery mechanism which slows a vehicle by converting its kinetic energy into another form, which can be either used immediately or stored until needed. Thus, the generated electricity during the braking is fed back into the supply system (in case of electric trains), whereas in battery electric and hybrid electric vehicles, the energy is stored in a battery or bank of capacitors for later use. Energy may also be stored by compressing air or in a rotating flywheel.
An Energy Regeneration Brake was developed in 1967 for the AMC Amitron. This was a completely battery powered urban concept car whose batteries were recharged by regenerative braking, thus increasing the range of the automobile.
Many modern hybrid and electric vehicles use this technique to extend the range of the battery pack. Examples include the Toyota Prius, Honda Insight, the Vectrix electric maxi-scooter, and the Chevrolet Volt.
Why Regenerative Brakes?
The regenerative braking system delivers a number of significant advantages over a car that only has friction brakes. In low-speed, stop- and-go traffic where little deceleration is required; the regenerative braking system can provide the majority of the total braking force. This vastly improves fuel economy with a vehicle, and further enhances the attractiveness of vehicles using regenerative braking for city driving. At higher speeds, too, regenerative braking has been shown to contribute to improved fuel economy – by as much as 20%.
Consider a heavy loaded truck having very few stops on the road. It is operated near maximum engine efficiency. The 80% of the energy produced is utilized to overcome the rolling and aerodynamic road forces. The energy wasted in applying brake is about 2%. Also its brake specific fuel consumption is 5%.
Now consider a vehicle, which is operated in the main city where traffic is a major problem here one has to apply brake frequently. For such vehicles the wastage of energy by application of brake is about 60% to 65%.
Simply speaking, the regeneration is to store the energy when it is given up by the system and to give the same when the system demands for it. The same principle is used in regenerative brakes.
While riding a bicycle, when we go up the ramp, it's like going up a hill: our kinetic energy is rapidly converted into potential energy and we slow down and stop. When we're ready to start off again, simply roll down the other side of the ramp and we get back (most of) our original energy (the stored potential energy is converted back to kinetic energy, just as it is when we bicycle down a hill).
The Motor as a generator:-
Vehicles driven by electric motors use the motor as a generator when using regenerative braking: it is operated as a generator during braking and its output is supplied to an electrical load; the transfer of energy to the load provides the braking effect.
Regenerative braking is used on hybrid gas/electric automobiles to recoup some of the energy lost during stopping. This energy is saved in a storage battery and used later to power the motor whenever the car is in electric mode.
Basic Idea of Regenerative brakes:-
Concept of this regenerative brake is also better understood from bicycle fitted with dynamo. If our bicycle has a dynamo (a small electricity generator) on it for powering the lights, we'll know it's harder to peddle when the dynamo is engaged than when it's switched off. That's because some of our peddling energy is being "stolen" by the dynamo and turned into electrical energy in the lights. If we're going along at speed and we suddenly stop peddling and turn on the dynamo, it'll bring us to a stop more quickly than we would normally, for the same reason: it's stealing our kinetic energy. Now imagine a bicycle with a dynamo that's 100 times bigger and more powerful. In theory, it could bring our bike to a halt relatively quickly by converting our kinetic energy into electricity, which we could store in a battery and use again later. And that's the basic idea behind regenerative brakes!
Electric trains, cars, and other electric vehicles are powered by electric motors connected to batteries. When we're driving along, energy flows from the batteries to the motors, turning the wheels and providing us with the kinetic energy we need to move. When we stop and hit the brakes, the whole process goes into reverse: electronic circuits cut the power to the motors. Now, our kinetic energy and momentum makes the wheels turn the motors, so the motors work like generators and start producing electricity instead of consuming it. Power flows back from these motor-generators to the batteries, charging them up. So a good proportion of the energy we lose by braking is returned to the batteries and can be reused when we start off again. In practice, regenerative brakes take time to slow things down, so most vehicles that use them also have ordinary (friction) brakes working alongside (that's also a good idea in case the regenerative brakes fail). That's one reason why regenerative brakes don't save 100 percent of our braking energy.
Elements of the system:-
There are four basic elements required which are necessary for the working of regenerative braking system, these are:
1. Energy Storage Unit (ESU):
The ESU performs two primary functions
(1) To recover & store braking energy
(2) To absorb excess engine energy during light load operation
The selection criteria for effective energy storage includes:
(i) High specific energy storage density
(ii) High energy transfer rate
(iii) Small space requirement
The energy recaptured by regenerative braking might be stored in one of three devices:
o An electrochemical battery
o A flywheel
With this system as we know, the electric motor of a car becomes a generator when the brake pedal is applied. The kinetic energy of the car is used to generate electricity that is then used to recharge the batteries. With this system, traditional friction brakes must also be used to ensure that the car slows down as much as necessary. Thus, not all of the kinetic energy of the car can be harnessed for the batteries because some of it is "lost" to waste heat. Some energy is also lost to resistance as the energy travels from the wheel and axle, through the drive train and electric motor, and into the battery.
When the brake pedal is depressed, the battery receives a higher charge, which slows the vehicle down faster. The further the brake pedal is depressed, the more the conventional friction brakes are employed.
The motor/generator produces AC, which is converted into DC, which is then used to charge the Battery Module. So, the regenerative systems must have an electric controller that regulates how much charge the battery receives and how much the friction brakes are used.
Fly wheels:
In this system, the translational energy of the vehicle is transferred into rotational energy in the flywheel, which stores the energy until it is needed to accelerate the vehicle. The benefit of using flywheel technology is that more of the forward inertial energy of the car can be captured than in batteries, because the flywheel can be engaged even during relatively short intervals of braking and acceleration. In the case of batteries, they are not able to accept charge at these rapid intervals, and thus more energy is lost to friction. Another advantage of flywheel technology is that the additional power supplied by the flywheel during acceleration substantially supplements the power output of the small engine that hybrid vehicles are equipped with.
2. Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT):
The energy storage unit requires a transmission that can handle torque and speed demands in a steeples manner and smoothly control energy flow to and from the vehicle wheels.
3. Controller:
An “ON-OFF” engine control system is used. That means that the engine is “ON” until the energy storage unit has been reached the desired charge capacity and then is decoupled and stopped until the energy storage unit charge fall below its minimum requirement.
4. Regenerative Brake Controllers:
Brake controllers are electronic devices that can control brakes remotely, deciding when braking begins ends, and how quickly the brakes need to be applied.
During the braking operation, the brake controller directs the electricity produced by the motor into the batteries or capacitors. It makes sure that an optimal amount of power is received by the batteries, but also ensures that the inflow of electricity isn't more than the batteries can handle.
The most important function of the brake controller, however, may be deciding whether the motor is currently capable of handling the force necessary for stopping the car. If it isn't, the brake controller turns the job over to the friction brakes. In vehicles that use these types of brakes, as much as any other piece of electronics on board a hybrid or electric car, the brake controller makes the entire regenerative braking process possible.
Design requirements of regenerative braking:-
1. Store energy while braking
This is the basic function of any regenerative brake.
2. Return energy to start up
Once the energy is stored in the device, it is necessary to have a simple way to release this energy back to the user in a positive way.
3. Must fit to the vehicle
4. This is one of the most difficult constraints to achieve and most important because we have to with such confined spacing.
5. Light weight
6. Good stopping range
This component can be optimized to have the shortest stopping distance
7. Good stopping force
8. Inexpensive and affordable
9. Safe to user and environmentally friendly
Safety is always a very important aspect when ever there is a consumer product.
10. Reliable
11. Manufacturability
A product should be such that it can be made easily and cheaply.
12. Modular
Having a device that can be adapted to existing vehicle.
The IMA principle:-
Honda's patented IMA concept is quite simple - use an efficient Otto engine supplemented by an electric motor when additional power is needed. Also referred to as a 'hybrid' (using two power sources one electric motor another is gasoline engine) system because it uses two power sources, the IMA concept allows the Civic Hybrid to use a smaller gasoline engine without any significant loss in performance.
This system is especially effective due to the fact that acceleration requires a significantly higher power than needed for cruising on a level road (where vehicles spend most of their time).
The electric motor-generator positioned between the engine and transmission assists the engine when accelerating and recovers energy to store in batteries when braking or decelerating (regenerative braking), allowing it to operate independently without the need for a grid power supply.
When the Civic Hybrid is coasting or its brakes are applied, its electric motor becomes a generator, converting forward momentum (kinetic energy) into electrical energy, instead of wasting it as heat during conventional braking. Energy is stored in a battery pack located behind the rear seat in the trunk. If the state of charge of the batteries is low, the motor-generator will also recharge them while the Civic Hybrid is cruising.
Electric railway vehicle operation:-
During braking, the traction motor connections are altered to turn them into electrical generators. The motor fields are connected across the main traction generator (MG) and the motor armatures are connected across the load. The MG now excites the motor fields. The rolling locomotive or multiple unit wheels turn the motor armatures, and the motors act as generators, either sending the generated current through onboard resistors (dynamic braking) or back into the supply (regenerative braking).
For a given direction of travel, current flow through the motor armatures during braking will be opposite to that during motoring. Therefore, the motor exerts torque in a direction that is opposite from the rolling direction.
Comparison of Dynamic brakes and Regenerative brakes:-
Dynamic brakes ("rheostatic brakes" in the UK), unlike regenerative brakes, dissipate the electric energy as heat by passing the current through large banks of variable resistors. Vehicles that use dynamic brakes include forklifts, Diesel-electric locomotives, and streetcars. This heat can be used to warm the vehicle interior, or dissipated externally by large radiator-like cowls to house the resistor banks.
The main disadvantage of regenerative brakes when compared with dynamic brakes is the need to closely match the generated current with the supply characteristics and increased maintenance cost of the lines. With DC supplies, this requires that the voltage be closely controlled. Only with the development of power electronics has this been possible with AC supplies, where the supply frequency must also be matched (this mainly applies to locomotives where an AC supply is rectified for DC motors).
A small number of mountain railways have used 3-phase power supplies and 3-phase induction motors. This results in a near constant speed for all trains as the motors rotate with the supply frequency both when motoring and braking.
Other Types of Regenerative Brakes:-
1. Hydraulic Regenerative Brakes:-
An alternative regenerative braking system is being developed by the Ford Motor Company and the Eaton Corporation. It's called Hydraulic Power Assist or HPA. With HPA, when the driver steps on the brake, the vehicle's kinetic energy is used to power a reversible pump, which sends hydraulic fluid from a low pressure accumulator (a kind of storage tank) inside the vehicle into a high pressure accumulator. The pressure is created by nitrogen gas in the accumulator, which is compressed as the fluid is pumped into the space the gas formerly occupied. This slows the vehicle and helps bring it to a stop. The fluid remains under pressure in the accumulator until the driver pushes the accelerator again, at which point the pump is reversed and the pressurized fluid is used to accelerate the vehicle, effectively translating the kinetic energy that the car had before braking into the mechanical energy that helps get the vehicle back up to speed. It's predicted that a system like this could store 80 percent of the momentum lost by a vehicle during deceleration and use it to get the vehicle moving again.
At present, these hydraulic regenerative brakes are noisy and prone to leaks; however, o¬nce all of the details are ironed out, such systems will probably be most useful in large trucks
2. Fly Wheels:-
Regenerative brakes may seem very hi-tech, but the idea of having "energy-saving reservoirs" in machines is nothing new. Engines have been using energy-storing devices called flywheels virtually since they were invented.
The basic idea is that the rotating part of the engine incorporates a wheel with a very heavy metal rim, and this drives whatever machine or device the engine is connected to. It takes much more time to get a flywheel-engine turning but, once it's up to speed, the flywheel stores a huge amount of rotational energy. A heavy spinning flywheel is a bit like a truck going at speed: it has huge momentum so it takes a great deal of stopping and changing its speed takes a lot of effort. That may sound like a drawback, but it's actually very useful. If an engine supplies power erratically, the flywheel compensates, absorbing extra power and making up for temporary lulls, so the machine or equipment it's connected to is driven more smoothly.
It's easy to see how a flywheel could be used for regenerative braking. In something like a bus or a truck, you could have a heavy flywheel that could be engaged or disengaged from the transmission at different times. You could engage the flywheel every time you want to brake so it soaked up some of your kinetic energy and brought you to a halt. Next time you started off, you'd use the flywheel to return the energy and get you moving again, before disengaging it during normal driving. The main drawback of using flywheels in moving vehicles is, of course, their extra weight. They save you energy by storing power you'd otherwise squander in brakes, but they also cost you energy because you have to carry them around all the time.
3. Use in compressed air:-
Regenerative brakes could be employed in compressed air cars to refill the air tank during braking. By absorbing the kinetic energy (necessary for barking), using the same for compressing the air and reuse these compressed air while powering the car.
4. Regenerative Braking Using Nitilon Spring:-
From fig it is clear that while braking the kinetic energy is stored in form of potential energy in spring. When the system actually demands for the acceleration this potential energy stored is given back to the wheels to power them.
Advantages of regenerative braking over conventional braking:-
Energy Conservation:
The flywheel absorbs energy when braking via a clutch system slowing the car down and speeding up the wheel. To accelerate, another clutch system connects the flywheel to the drive train, speeding up the car and slowing down the flywheel. Energy is therefore conserved rather than wasted as heat and light which is what normally happens in the contemporary shoe/disc system.
Wear Reduction:
An electric drive train also allows for regenerative breaking which increases Efficiency and reduces wear on the vehicle brakes.
In regenerative braking, when the motor is not receiving power from the battery pack, it resists the turning of the wheels, capturing some of the energy of motion as if it were a generator and returning that energy to the battery pack. In mechanical brakes; lessening wear and extending brake life is not possible. This reduces the use of use the brake.
Fuel Consumption:
The fuel consumption of the conventional vehicles and regenerative braking system vehicles was evaluated over a course of various fixed urban driving schedules. The results are compared as shown in figure. Representing the significant cost saying to its owner, it has been proved the regenerative braking is very fuel-efficient. The Delhi Metro saved around 90,000 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) from being released into the atmosphere by regenerating 112,500 megawatt hours of electricity through the use of regenerative braking systems between 2004 and 2007. It is expected that the Delhi Metro will save over 100,000 tons of CO2 from being emitted per year once its phase II is complete through the use of regenerative braking. The energy efficiency of a conventional car is only about 20 percent, with the remaining 80 percent of its energy being converted to heat through friction. The miraculous thing about regenerative braking is that it may be able to capture as much as half of that wasted energy and put it back to work. This could reduce fuel consumption by 10 to 25 percent. Hydraulic regenerative braking systems could provide even more impressive gains, potentially reducing fuel use by 25 to 45 percent.
Braking is not total loss:
Conventional brakes apply friction to convert a vehicle’s kinetic energy into heat. In energy terms, therefore, braking is a total loss: once heat is generated, it is very difficult to reuse. The regenerative braking system, however, slows a vehicle down in a different way.
Why Regenerative Brakes are assisted with the Frictional Brake??
Traditional friction-based braking is used in conjunction with mechanical regenerative braking for the following reasons:
• The regenerative braking effect drops off at lower speeds; therefore the friction brake is still required in order to bring the vehicle to a complete halt. Physical locking of the rotor is also required to prevent vehicles from rolling down hills.
• The friction brake is a necessary back-up in the event of failure of the regenerative brake.
• Most road vehicles with regenerative braking only have power on some wheels (as in a two-wheel drive car) and regenerative braking power only applies to such wheels, so in order to provide controlled braking under difficult conditions (such as in wet roads) friction based braking is necessary on the other wheels.
• The amount of electrical energy capable of dissipation is limited by either the capacity of the supply system to absorb this energy or on the state of charge of the battery or capacitors. No regenerative braking effect can occur if another electrical component on the same supply system is not currently drawing power and if the battery or capacitors are already charged. For this reason, it is normal to also incorporate dynamic braking to absorb the excess energy.
• Under emergency braking it is desirable that the braking force exerted be the maximum allowed by the friction between the wheels and the surface without slipping, over the entire speed range from the vehicle's maximum speed down to zero. The maximum force available for acceleration is typically much less than this except in the case of extreme high-performance vehicles. Therefore, the power required to be dissipated by the braking system under emergency braking conditions may be many times the maximum power which is delivered under acceleration. Traction motors sized to handle the drive power may not be able to cope with the extra load and the battery may not be able to accept charge at a sufficiently high rate. Friction braking is required to absorb the surplus energy in order to allow an acceptable emergency braking performance.
For these reasons there is typically the need to control the regenerative braking and match the friction and regenerative braking to produce the desired total braking output.
The beginning of the 21st century could very well mark the final period in which internal combustion engines are commonly used in cars. Already automakers are moving toward alternative energy carriers, such as electric batteries, hydrogen fuel and even compressed air. Regenerative braking is a small, yet very important, step toward our eventual independence from fossil fuels. These kinds of brakes allow batteries to be used for longer periods of time without the need to be plugged into an external charger. These types of brakes also extend the driving range of fully electric vehicles. In fact, this technology has already helped bring us cars like the Tesla Roadster, which runs entirely on battery power. Sure, these cars may use fossil fuels at the recharging stage -- that is, if the source of the electricity comes from a fossil fuel such as coal -- but when they're out there on the road, they can operate with no use of fossil fuels at all, and that's a big step forward
Saturday, January 22, 2011


In Mitsubishis endeavor to design and build ever more efficient engines, it has devoted significant resources to developing a gasoline direct injection engine. For years, automotive engineers have believed this type of engine has the greatest potential to optimize fuel supply and combustion, which in turn can deliver better performance and lower fuel consumption. Until now, however, no one has successfully designed an in-cylinder direct injection engine for use on production vehicles. A result of Mitsubishis engine development capabilities, Mitsubishis advanced Gasoline Direct Injection GDI engine is the realization of engineering dream.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
under water gliders
Autonomous underwater gliders, and in particular autonomous underwater gliders, represent a rapidly maturing technology with a large cost-saving potential over current ocean sampling technologies for sustained(month at a time) real-time measurements.
This report gives us an overview of the main building blocks of an underwater glider system for propulsion, control, communication and sensing. A typical glider operation, consisting of deployment, planning, monitoring and recovery will be described using the 2003 AOSN-II field experiment in Monterey Bay, California.
We briefly describe recent developments at NRC_IOT, in particular the development of a laboratory-scale glider for dynamics and control research and the concept of a regional ocean observation system using underwater gliders.
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011
This work presents an experimental study of an ammonia–water absorption refrigeration system using the exhaust of an internal combustion engine as energy source. The exhaust gas energy availability and the impact of the absorption refrigeration system on engine performance, exhaust emissions, and power economy are evaluated. A production automotive engine was tested in a bench test dynamometer, with the absorption refrigeration system adapted to the exhaust pipe. The engine was tested for 25%, 50%, 75% and wide-open throttle valve. The refrigerator reached a steady state temperature between 4 and 13 degree centigrade about 3 hours after system start up, depending on engine throttle valve opening. The calculated exhaust gas energy availability suggests the cooling capacity can be highly improved for a dedicated system. Exhaust hydrocarbon emissions were higher when the refrigeration system was installed in the engine exhaust, but carbon monoxide emissions were reduced, while carbon dioxide concentration remained practically unaltered.
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